This is to inform that during the Holy Month of Ramadan, Foshwa Global (Al Karama, Dubai) will observe the following working hours: Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
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Click the list below your visa category to expand the checklist
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC from the employer (original/master copy)
Copy of hotel booking
Copy of invitation from Bangladesh national(s)
Copy of invitees' ID(s)
NOC of the parents and copy of the their passports (for minors)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC/recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy) with a maximum validity of 3 months
Business card of the applicant (required for a business visa)
Invitation letter from business organisation incorporated in Bangladesh with latest tax payment certificate
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC/Recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Appointment letter
Recommendation letter from BIDA/BEZA/BEPZA/Hi-Tech Park/PPP Authority and other applicable authorities
NVR (No Visa Required)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
Copy of Bangladeshi NID/valid passport/BRC of the applicant
Copy of Bangladeshi NID/valid passport/BRC of the applicant’s parent(s)/grandparents/spouse
Introductory letter from Bangladeshi parent(s)/grandparent(s)/spouse
C (Crew)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC/recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Recommendation/appointment letter of appointing authority
D (Diplomatic)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC/Recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Copy of passport of principal visa holder
Recommendation letter of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh/Note verbale from the respective missions (Original/Master Copy)
Visa page of principal applicant (for spouse and family members)
ND (Non-Diplomatic Staff)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
Note Verbal or Appointment letter and letter of recommendation from concerned diplomatic mission (Original/Master Copy)
Proof of relation (registered marriage certificate, birth registration certificate etc.) and visa copy of the principal applicant (for spouse and family members) along with reference letter
DA (Domestic Aide)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC from the employer (original/master copy)
Note Verbale or Appointment letter and letter of recommendation from concerned diplomatic mission (Original/Master Copy)
FE (Dependent family Member of E visa holder)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC from the employer (original/master copy)
Copy of passport of principal visa holder with visa page
Registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for dependent children
Recommendation letter from concerned organisation (optional)
E1 (Project related development partners of Bangladesh)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC from the employer (original/master copy)
Recommendation letter from the concerned Ministry of Bangladesh Government/organisation/autonomous bodies
Invitation of the Bangladeshi sponsor
J (Journalist)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC from the employer (original/master copy)
Detailed proposal about the task in Bangladesh
Recommendation letter from external publicity wing of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh
FJ (Dependent family member of J)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Registered marriage certificate for spouse
Birth registration certificate for kids
M (Religious)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Invitation from the religious mission /institute in Bangladesh
Consent letter from the Ministry of religious Affairs (MoRA), Bangladesh
FM (Dependent family members of M visa holders)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Consent letter from the Ministry of religious Affairs (MoRA) issued in favour of the principal applicant
Photocopy of passport of principal visa holder
Request letter from the concerned organisation
Registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children
PI (Private Investor) Visa
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Certificates from BIDA/BEZA/BEPZA/HiTech Park/concerned ministry/PPP Authority and other applicable authorities that the investor is the bonafied investor
Detailed business plan with proposed business activities, amount of investment, generation of local employment & local establishment etc.
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Appointment letter attested by NGO Affairs Bureau
Appointment letter
FN (Dependent family membersof persons of category N)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Photocopy of passport of principal visa holder
Request letter from the concerned organisation
Registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children
P (Performer on contract)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Invitation letter from employer/organisation/club
Undertaking on tax payment by inviting organisation
FP (Dependent family members of persons holding 'P' visa)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Photocopy of passport of principal visa holder
Registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children
FPI (Dependent family members of persons of category PI)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Photocopy of passport of principal visa holder
Registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children
Recommendation letter from the concerned organisation
R (Research)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Recommendation letter from concerned organisation as and when necessary
Consent letter from the concerned ministry
Proof of admission/offer letter
Bank solvency certificate/proof of financial solvency except for trainees of Government organization
FR (spouse a dependent family members of persons of category R)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Photocopy of passport of principal visa holder
Request letter from the concerned organisation
Proof of relationship (registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children) and reference letter from the principal vis holder
S (Student)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Proof of admission/offer letter
Bank solvency certificate/proof of financial solvency except for trainees of Government organisation
FS (Dependent family members S visa holder)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Copy of passport of principal visa holder
Marriage registration certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children
TI (Tableague ijtema)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Recommendation from the central tableague markus/tableague jamat of the concerned country
TF (Family of Bangladeshi national/Foreign nationals of Bangladeshi origin)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Proof of Bangladeshi nationality of applicant/affidavit declaring relationship with Bangladeshi citizen
Marriage registration certificate for spouse and birth certificate for children
TR (Transit)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Proof of visa in third country
Ticket for a third country
Continues discharge certificate for sea man and mariners
A1 (Government officials, their family members, member of government delegations)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Note verbale
A2 (UN Officials)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Note verbal/recommendation letter of concerned organisation
FA2 (Dependent family members of A2 visa holder)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Copy of passport of principal visa holder
Recommendation letter of concerned organisation
Registered marriage certificate for spouse and birth certificate for dependent children
A3 (Professionals)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Recommendation letter from Economic Relations Division/concerned government organisation/Bangladesh Embassy
FA3 (Dependents of Professionals)
Online Application form duly signed by the applicant in at office premises. For the online form visit
One passport-size colour photograph with white background
Original Passport: At least 6 months validity, 2 blank pages, required for entry to Bangladesh
A copy of the applicant’s passport (Bio and information pages separately)
A copy of minimum 3 months valid Emirates ID/UAE Residence Visa (ID card Front & Back both in one page)
NOC /recommendation letter from the employer (original/master copy)
Recommendation letter from Economic Relations Division/concerned government organisation/Bangladesh Embassy